
Estelle O'Keeffe Headshot 1:commercial.jpg

Meet Chief O’Keeffe

Sitting still is not an option for Estelle.

Her passion for fitness and health as well as her extensive background in dance both nationally and internationally is why she loves being a Personal Trainer. With her Bachelor of Public Health & Health Promotion paired with her studies at the Australian Institute of Fitness, Estelle is equipped with knowledge of how and why we need to be active. Furthermore, as a professional dancer and having been involved in competitive sports all her life, Estelle also knows the importance of having a balanced, physical and healthy lifestyle. Estelle brings a lot of energy to each of her sessions and ensures that all of her clients are given the attention they deserve. Estelle is ready and excited to embark on this fitness journey with you!

Why Chief O’Keeffe Training?

Chief O’Keeffe training has a holistic approach to fitness, health and wellbeing. Estelle appreciates that everybody’s fitness journey is unique and she is here and willing to help you create the best version of yourself. Whether you are new to exercise or you are a seasoned exercise enthusiast, all levels are welcome to join the Chief O’Keeffe community. We have the advantage of training outside with plenty of space, fresh air, and sunshine; an element that you cannot find when training in a commercial gym or studio. Movement is a huge passion of Estelle’s life and it’s her mission for you to appreciate movements and its many (physical, social and mental) benefits.